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What our parents say...

Image by Isaac Quesada

At Lemon Tree Pediatric Center, we firmly believe that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Since its inception, the team at Lemon Tree Pediatric Center has made it their life’s mission to be the pillars of support in this community, by helping children and their families embody this belief and achieve in all areas of life.

Our story, our


James’s Mom

My experience with Debby as a BCBA has been a wonderful and awesome experience! She is very professional and loving and kind! She listens to your concerns and is there to answer any kind of questions you have and is open to any suggestions as a parent that we may have. Anyone who has Debby as a BCBA is blessed! She’s wonderful at what she does, you are in good hands!


Anthony's Mom

" I remember having doubts about whether ABA would be right for Tony. After meeting Debby those doubts quickly disappeared. We started working with her in 2019 and I quickly saw a change in how Tony was learning and grasping onto new information. The sessions quickly turned from my son being nervous to him being excited to go see her. The impact Debby had on Tony & I is something I will never forget. I cannot recommend her enough to those who are looking to get started in ABA. To this day my son will still ask about Debby and that to me shows the impact she left on him."


Alan's mom     9.3.2022

我的儿子Alan是在21年10月,在他20个月的时候诊断出自闭症,在儿童发展评估量表里在5%位置,各项发展均落后同龄儿童12个月左右,其中表达语言仅仅在2个月,接受语言在6个月……当时真是觉得脑子眩晕天都塌了!虽然在这之前我们自己也有怀疑过,但真的评估出来是自闭症的时候心都碎了!医生说好在我们发现得早,尽早的进行干预治疗还是有很多希望的,毕竟才20个月。以Alan当时的情况医生建议我们用ABA疗法。我们也在网上查询了大量关于自闭症、ABA方面的讯息,发现说ABA疗法是迄今针对自闭症最常用的干预方法之一,对于年龄小的孩子来说干预效果最好,但是也是要有适合的老师和合适的方法!于是我们开始联系多家ABA机构,在我们陆续参观、了解这些机构以后我们还是没有找到可以放心的机构,毕竟时间紧迫,尤其是在孩子3岁以前是大脑发育的黄金时间,如果碰到不合适的老师就是在浪费孩子的宝贵时间。终于在21年12月份的时候在一位语言治疗师的介绍下我们联系到了Debby老师,当Debby老师第一次上门与我们见面了解Alan的情况时,我们就确定Debby正是我们需要的老师!其实Alan在18个月的时候先是诊断语言发展迟缓,当时医生建议我们找说母语的语言治疗师,因为那时疫情比较严重,Alan基本都是在家,没有上Daycare,也很少的社交活动,家里就是我们一家三口,在家也都是说中文,所以用中文上课对Alan会容易一些,Debby老师不仅也可以说中文而且还是ABA应用行为分析师Bcba,有着多年的经验,这对于Alan来说真是再好不过了!!于是从21年的12月中下旬Debby老师开始了与Alan的一对一的上课,每次4个小时,一周在20个小时左右。在Debby老师给Alan上课以后,我们几乎每天都有惊喜,从一开始Alan只会发ma~ma、啊~啊~这些音,不会指认物品、听不懂任何指令、常常发脾气,但半个月后Alan可以清楚的叫“爸爸”、“妈妈”,也开始会指认自己想要的东西,学会了简单的表达这样就减少了很多的情绪问题!虽然经常把爸爸叫成妈妈,把妈妈叫成爸爸,但不管怎么样只要他叫了我们都无比的欣慰,终于开始有了希望!在Alan24个月的时候 我们在一家早教机构对Alan做了儿童发展的评估,那时Alan已经有了巨大巨大的进步!接受语言:23个月;表达语言:19个月;社交情绪管理:26个月;大运动:19个月;精细动作:29个月;自理能力:24个月。在22年5月Alan27个月的时候我们终于等到了Ucla医院的自闭症评估(在21年10月份就开始预约申请,等了7个月)经过2次各1个小时的视频会谈、1次2个小时的面谈评估,每次都是3位医生同时在场评估观察Alan的行为表现,最后的评估结果是Alan的认知方面在儿童发展量表里是25%,也就是在24个月这样,他们认为以Alan当时的表现来看是不会向更严重的自闭症发展,给出的建议是让Alan继续ABA的课程,同时上语言课。看到这些评估结果我们第一个想到的就是Debby老师,我们真的非常非常幸运遇到了Debby老师,Debby老师的专业、认真、耐心使得Alan有了今天的进步,除了感谢还是感谢!


Roxy’s Mom

“Our ABA therapy experience with Debby was amazing. Debby helped us navigate through difficult behaviors with my daughter Roxy who was 3.5 years old at the time. Roxy was experiencing behaviors such as tantrum, eloping, putting non-edible in mouth, aggression, emotional outburst, not staying in her bed at night etc. Debby along with the RBT offered in person therapy 1:1 session at my home during COVID. Debby and her team were always professional, caring, knowledgeable and offered lots of parent support. Now, my daughter is almost 6, and does not have anymore major behavior problem. Overall, Debby and her team were a major impact on Roxy and myself as her mother. Thank you Debby."


Hunter's Mom

" Ms Debby is an amazing BCBA. In our time together she was compassionate and professional with my son. She truly went above and beyond to not only help him, but to help me as well. She definitely made a huge impact in our lives and I know she will change the lives of many children and families for years to come."


An awesome mom

I am a testimonial that's currently being working on, will update here shortly once it's ready. 

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